schedetal ecb-fpo-tpo-geomembrane

           SINCE 1908 …..

ecb geomembrane

Schedetal Folien GmbH , founded in Hann,Munden - GERMANY 1908 ….

A hundred years old success story of a company manufacturing ExtruBit®ECB and ExtruPol®FPO waterproofing sheet geomembrane systems, understanding and utilizing proven technologies, and specializing in the development and production of roofing and basement / raft foundation waterproofing products more than 50 years ! 

fpo geomembrane

Today SCHEDETAL is a leading producer of ECB - FPO / TPO roofing and waterproofing membranes; meeting the most demanding of situations, both in Europe and Worldwide.

In the 1960’s innovations within the plastic industry saw the development of a new generation of synthetic membranes based on ECB, ( ethylene co-polymer bitumen ). For the civil engineering industry, this caused an immediate positive impact in the field of above and below ground waterproofing.

FPO ( flexible polyolefin ), characterised by the new properties and colours was later developed from the basis of ECB. More than 50.000.000 m2 references around world wide prestigious projects, designers and clients prefers ExtruBit®ECB  and ExtruPol®FPO waterproofing sheet geomembrane systems.

ExtruBit®ECB  and ExtruPol®FPO Reference List ….

ExtruBit®ECB and ExtruPol®FPO / TPO waterproofing sheet geomembrane systems are high performance thermoplastic waterproofing solutions fulfills the requirements of basement, raft - pile cap foundation, one sided wall and roof structures, exposed to aggressive conditions and stress.

ExtruBit®ECBExtruPol®FPO / TPO waterproofing sheet geomembrane systems are designed for resistance ;

  • Deep foundations subject to high level water pressure
  • Settlement, uplift and earthquake force effects
  • Ground water chemicals ( bitumen, sulphates, urine, caustic, sea water, cyanide, ozone, sulfuric acid %40 )
  • Root penetration ( FLL Certificated )
  • UV Exposure
  • XPS, EPS, PUR, PIF Pannels direct contact (No separation layer) 
ecb geomembrane

ExtruBit®D ECB (Ethylene Co Polymer Bitumen) silver signal layer laminated waterproofing sheet membrane for blow grade structures against water penetration, meet highest demands.

ExtruBit®D ECB geomembranes are highly flexible ( %600 ), resistant to aging and root penetration, environmentaly friendly ( PVC, plasticer, softener, and chlorine free : no toxic gas releases during seam welding application )

ExtruBit®F and ExtruPol®F FPO are pre-applied sheet membrane waterproofing system unique bonds to poured concrete on raft foundaton, one sided wall, pile cap waterproofing applications, no protection screed needed. 

System offers high safety and fast waterproofing application, due to usage of double seam hot air welding with seam test possibility.

ExtruBit®M ECB ( Ethylene Co Polymer Bitumen ) and ExtruPol®M FPO ( Flexible Polyolefin ) / TPO flat roof waterproofing sheet membranes resistant to permanent UV exposure and various chemicals, designed for flat roof, concrete roof, green roof, chemical storage areas, water storage ponds.

Waterproofing geomembrane meets all the requirements of the Central Association of Roofers.

Schedetal ExtruBit®ECB and ExtruPol® FPO / TPO waterproofing sheet geomembrane system offers solutions for , 

Above Ground Construction

fpo geomembrane

  • Flat Roof Waterproofing           
  • Flat Roof Renovation
  • Green Roofs
  • Ballast Roofs
  • Concrete Roofs

     Below Grade Construction

  • Basement Waterproofing
  • One Sided Wall Waterproofing
  • Pile Cap Waterproofing
  • Pre Applied Waterproofing
  • Tunnel Waterproofing
  • Cut and Cover Waterproofing



Hydro - Engineering

golf pond waterproofıng

  • Ponds, Water Reserviors Waterproofing          
  • Sewage Plants Waterproofing
  • Swimming Pools Waterproofing
  • Waterstorage Waterproofing


Ecological Construction


  • Chemical Storage Waterproofing          
  • Water Channel Waterproofing
  • Storage Reservior Waterproofing
  • Underground Water Tank Waterproofing

Following the needs of architects, planners, building investors, roofing contractorsa nd real estate management investors, SCHEDETAL offering their high-quality products and professional services provides you with the maximum freedom of laying membranes. 

Customers in the civil engineering industry have long since valued SCHEDETAL for our competent consultancy and technical advise, diligent installation supervision and reliability of deliveries. 

Both in new construction and the refurbishment of older buildings, and from the earliest planning stages, customers place their confidence in our technical competency & know-how. Both developed through years of experience.

schedetal extrubit ecb extrupol fpo

SCHEDETAL produces non-PVC based synthetic roofing and waterproofing sheet membranes However, this is not the sole factor in their being so eco-friendly. They are also 100% recyclable, thereby closing the circle of use. 

To date, SCHEDETAL has produced in excess of 50 million square meteres of roofing and waterproofing sheet membranes, all identified with the quality brand – „Made in Germany“. To date, SCHEDETAL has produced in excess of 50 million square meteres of roofing and waterproofing sheet membranes, all identified with the quality brand – „Made in Germany“. 

SCHEDETAL products conform to all necessary quality standards – a success resulting from our responsibility to the natural environment. Man, product and nature. A success that relies on the perfect quality management system.

ExtruBit® ECB ( Ethylene Co Polymer Bitumen ) and ExtruPol® FPO ( Flexible Polyolefin ) / TPO ( Thermoplastic Polyolefin ) sheet membrane system offers successful waterproofing of concrete foundations, roofs, ponds, chemical storage areas prevents the degradation of environmental and health conditions and of building materials used in belowground and aboveground stories and extends the service life of constructions.

ECB - FPO/TPO Sheet Waterproofing Geomembrane Brochure ….